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Sunday, June 14, 2009

It's early, it's not half past seven yet,and I'm getting ready to go in for the fourth day printing...

Quite proud of my work so far, but last night I was tired and made some fatal mistakes. With the second cut of my boypointingup picture I lost all sense of shading and now I'm afraid he'll look a bit strange.. I didn't think it would be so hard to imagine the colour arrangement.

Just entering the world of colour and realizing how vast it all is..
  What I'm interested i too is how poisinous it all is and is one colour more poisonous than the other or are they nothing to worry about compared to the grea amount of turpentine thats unavoidably everywhere...?

Happily I found a big round piece of glass in a falling down cupboard that we had to rebuild... It's hard to imagine that it was used for anything else. Maybe my house was inhabited by a printmaker in the past Could explain this unbending urge to cut -ink -roll -press that I have...

  And what happened to this phantom print-maker?

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