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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Laydees and gennlemen.....

I am going to review two films.... at the Same Time!!

On one side Avatar.... and on the otherside: Land of the long white cloud.

....Similar in themes but not in tone.

....Similar in philosophies but not in budget.

...Aligned in their commentary on topics of spiritual inclinations of a colonized peoples,

and yet reaching widely varied audiences around the world...

One thing these films clearly have in common are the feelings induced by a set of prehistoric looking gnashers. James Cameron and Florian Habicht both clearly know a thing or two about symbolism and the psyche, and the sex drugs & rock and roll equivalent in telling a good yarn in the language of film. Well sex remains the same, (for drugs think Aiwaa, warfare, or fishing; any addiction really) but replace Rock n Roll with a good set of fangs of the 'About to eat you variety' and you have the contemporary version of absorbing image based story telling.

Immersed in the 3D effects of Avatar one could be excused for finding a connection with Habicht's 'place in the food-chain' sensibility. The film if you don't know, documents a five day fishing contest on 90 mile beach. Soon to be renowned for referential and self referential archetype in documentary;( bicycles in the water suggest the references of some of his earlier work), and a treasure to find in verité and clever heart winning vulnerable direction

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